Sunday, December 12, 2010

When Harry got hairy ...

Once there was a cute little boy,
his appearance brought a great joy,
many people were excited and waiting,
when the next books or movies were coming,
where the boy spelled his charms to enjoy.

So many years have gone now,
it is amazing to see how,
the magical boy who was quite cute,
has grown out of his playsuit,
looking quite wicked now when he knits his brows.

.. and how he gets so hairy !! lol
aaaahhhhh ... cant wait for the last movie !!
Daniel Radcliffe ... :) ~

1 comment:

  1. I would be able to comment of course
    With informed insight which carries more force
    If a Hairy Potter movie
    I did actually see
    Or even that play when he's naked on a horse
